SCHOOL: Saraswat Vidyalaya Mapusa
Brain-based learning refers to teaching methods, lesson designs, and school programs that are based on the latest scientific research about how the brain learns, including such factors as cognitive development—how students learn differently as they age, grow, and mature socially, emotionally, and cognitively.
Words used for the game: [super senses, Photosynthesis, ,solid,liquid,
gases, earthquake, reflection, garbage etc]
Students were divided into 4 groups.One member of the group had to come infront and draw the word which was
given to them.While other student had to guess the word
In this game one word was given to the students. The student had to make as many word as they can by taking the letters
from the word.The activity was timed for 5 min and students had to count the
number of words.
Students were divided into group of 5.
Students were given a wordS related to science but was in a incomplete
form eg.S,_,_AR SY,_,_,EM
Students had to fill in the gaps and then whoever finishes first with
correct words were given a chocolate.
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