Science Demonstrations




AIM- To make a water whistle

REQIREMENTS: Beaker, Water, Straw, Scissors.

1.   Using scissors, about 1/3 of the way down the straw, partially cut through the straw. The cut should be almost all the way through the straw but leave a small piece uncut to keep the two straw sections attached.
2.   Bend the straw into a right angle at the cut, but be care full not to break the straw segments apart.
3.   Fill a cup or glass ¾ full with water.
4.   Slide the longer section of straw into the water
5.   Keep the straw at a 90 angle. Place your lips on a shorter end of the straw and blow with a light, constant breath.
6.   Try to raise and lower the straw in the water. Check the pitch of water whistle.
OBSERVATION: Whistling sound is produced inside water and the pitch is high. And when it is removed out the pitch is very low.

EXPLANATION: Waterwhistle works through vibration of air itself and, more specifically, the column of air inside the straw. The longer segment of straw that is partially submerged in water is full of air and water. When you blow the air across the top of the longer straw segment, you are causing the column of air to vibrate.
The vibrating column of air creates the whistling sound which you hear. The pitch of the whistling is dependent on how much air you allowed to be inside the straw. The more air that is inside the straw, the lower the pitch of the whistle less air is going to create a higher pitch.



         AIM: To study formation of clouds

REQUIREMENTS: Beaker, Ice Bag, Hot Water, Matches.

PROCEDURE:1.   Fill one third of the beaker with hot water.
2.   Light the match and hold it over the jar opening.
3.   After a few seconds, drop the match into the jar and cover the top of the jar with the bag of ice.

OBSERVATION: Little cloud form inside the beaker.
EXPLANATION:The warm water heats the layer of air that it touches. Some of the water evaporates into the air forming water vapor. The warm air containing water vapor rises, and then cools, as it comes in contact with the air cooled by the ice. When the water molecules cool, they slow down and stick together more readily. The particles of smoke act as nuclei for the bunches of water molecules to collect on. This process is called condensation.




REQIREMENTS: Cactus, Water Hyacinth, Onion, Aloe, Bougainvillea, Pineapple Leaves, Bryophyllum Leaf.

EXPLANATION: Leaves are often modified to perform functions other than photosynthesis. They perform various functions like Protection, Buoyancy, Storage, Attraction Reproduction, Absorption.
CACTUS- cacti have lost true leaves, retaining only spines which are highly modified leaves. Spines help prevent water loss by reducing air flow close to the cactus. It helps in defending against herbivores. In absence of leaves, enlarged stems carry out photosynthesis.
WATER HYCINTH- the leaves are 10- 20 cm across on a stem which is floating by means of a buoyant bulk like nodules at its base above the water surface. They have long spongy and bulbous stalks.
ONION- Onion has fleshy modified scales envelop a central bud at the tip of the stem. They belong to xerophytic habitat. They have water storage tissue. These helps plants to conserve very limited supply of water and resist desiccation (drying up).
ALOEVERA AND PINEAPPLE: Spines develop on the margin as at the apex.
BOUGANVILLEA: The actual flower is very small and generally white but each cluster of three flowers is surrounded by three or six bracts with bright colors associated with the plant, including pink, magenta, purple, red, orange, white or yellow.
BRYOPHYLLUM - Plantlets or buds grow along the notches, bases, apices and tips of blades and petioles.



School : Saraswat Vidyalaya Mapusa Goa
Wacky whitsle, atmospheric pressure in a bottle
Lava lamp, Thirsty candle, Snow in a bottle
Modification of leaves, Types of leaf apex


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